Corporate Profile
Research Areas of Interest
Consulting Services
Principal Scientist - Dr. Pradeep K. Gupta
President, PKG Inc. (1984 to present)
Doctor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 1970
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Mechanical Engineer, 1969
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 1968
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Bachelor of Engineering Honors (Mechanical), 1966
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, India
Mechanical Technology Inc (1971-82)
Senior Scientist
Program Manager
Engineering Scientist
Over the past decades Dr. Gupta has carried out significant research in the areas of surface interaction, contact stress analysis, layered solids, elastohydrodynamic lubrication, lubricant traction modeling, solid lubrication, rolling bearing dynamics and simulation of advanced dynamic systems. In the areas of concentrated contact mechanics and rolling element bearings Dr. Gupta has acquired a world wide technical reputation. He is the author of the well known computer codes DREB, RAPIDREB and
ADORE. He has been the principal investigator for a number of research projects sponsored by NASA, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and the National Science Foundation. In addition to a number of technical papers published in international journals, Dr. Gupta is the author of a book entitled ADVANCED DYNAMICS OF ROLLING ELEMENTS. In 1982, Dr. Gupta was awarded the National Research Council Research Fellowship, for one year, to carry out research in the area of solid lubrication in rolling bearings at the Air Force Materials Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He was awarded the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Burt L. Newkirk award for significant contribution to the Journal of Lubrication Technology in the areas of Asperity Interaction, Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication and Rolling Bearing Dynamics in 1978. Dr. Gupta also received the University Gold Medal for the class of 1966 for outstanding performance in his undergraduate program.
Technical Papers
- Gupta, P.K. and Cook, N.H., "Statistical Analysis of Mechanical Interaction of Rough Surfaces", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, Series F, vol 94, #l, pp 19-26, 1972.
- Gupta, P.K. and Cook, N.H., "Junction Deformation Models for Asperities in Sliding Interaction", Wear, vol 20, pp 73-87, 1972.
- Gupta, P.K., Walowit, J.A. and Finkin, E.F., "Stress Distributions in Plane Strain Layered Elastic Solids Subjected to Arbitrary Boundary Loading", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, vol 95F, pp 427-433, 1973.
- Gupta, P.K. and Walowit, J.A., "Contact Stresses Between an Elastic Cylinder and a Layered Elastic Solid", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, vol 96F, pp 250-257, 1974.
- Gupta, P.K., "Some Dynamic Effects Under EHD Traction in Rolling Element Bearings", Proc of the International Ball Bearing Symposium, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass, June 1973.
- Gupta, P.K., Coleman, R.L. and Pan, C.H.T., "Ambient Edge Correction for the Locally-Incompressible Narrow Groove Theory", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, vol 96F, pp 284-290, 1974.
- Gupta, P.K., "Incipient Liftoff in Preloaded Plane Externally- Pressurized Compliant Surface Bearing", Proc. I. Mech. E., London, 1974.
- Gupta, P.K. , "Transient Ball Motion and Skid in Ball Bearings", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, vol 97F, pp 261-269, 1975.
- Gupta, P.K., "Generalized Dynamic Simulation of Skid in Ball Bearings", AIAA J. Air Craft, vol 12, 4F4, pp 260-265, 1975.
- Gupta, P.K., "On the Heavily Loaded Elastodydrodynamic Contacts of Layered Solids", J. Lub, Tech. , ASME Trans, vol 98F, 4F3, pp 367- 374, 1976.
- Gupta, P.K. and White, H.V., "On the Kinematics of a Nutating Mechanical Drive", J. Appl. Mech., ASME Trans, vol 42E, pp 507-509, 1975.
- Gupta, P.K., "A Review of Computerized Simulation of Rolling Bearing Performance", Computer-Aided Design of Bearings and Seals, ASME Winter Meeting Publication, December 1976.
- Gupta, P.K., Winn, L.W. and Wilcock, D.F., "Vibrational Characteristics of Ball Bearings", J. Lub Tech., ASME Trans, vol 99F, 4F2, pp 284-289, 1977.
- Gupta, P.K., "DREB: A New Tool for Rolling Bearing Performance Simulation", ASME Paper 4F78-DE-15, Presented at the 1978 ASME Design Engineering Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 17-20, 1978.
- Gupta, P.K., "Surface Topography, Quality and its Relevance to Wear", Discussion paper presented at the International Conference on Fundamentals of Tribology, MIT, Cambridge, Mass June 19-22, 1978.
- Gupta, P.K., "Dynamics of Rolling Element Bearings -Part I: Cylindrical Roller Bearing Analysis", J. Lub. Tech, ASME Trans, vol 101F, 413 , pp 293-304, 1979.
- Gupta, P.K., "Dynamics of Rolling Element Bearings -Part II: Cylindrical Roller Bearing Results", J. Lub Tech, ASME Trans, vol 101F, 413, pp 305-311, 1979.
- Gupta, P.K., "Dynamics of Rolling Element Bearings -Part III: Ball Bearing Analysis", J. Lub. Tech. , ASME Trans, vol 101F, 413, pp 312- 318, 1979.
- Gupta, P.K., "Dynamics of Rolling Element Bearings -Part IV: Ball Bearing Results", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, vol 101F, pp 319-326, 1979.
- Gupta, P.K., "Simulation of Torque Variations in the DMA Ball Bearings", ASLE Trans, vol 23, 4F3, pp 315-325, 1980.
- Gupta, P.K., "Dynamics of Rolling Element Bearings and Real Time Performance Simulations", presented at the 6th Annual National Conference on Power Transmission, Chicago, Illinois, November 13-15, 1979.
- Gupta, P.K., Flamand, L., Berthe, D., and Godet, M., "On the Traciton Behavior of Several Lubricants", J. Lub. Tech., ASME Trans, vol 103F, 4Fl, pp 55-64, 1981.
- Gupta, P.K., "Some Dynamic Effects in High-Speed Solid-Lubricated Ball Bearings", ASLE Trans, vol 26, pp 393-400, 1983.
- Gupta, P.K., "Simulation of Torque in High-Speed Solid Lubricated Gyro Ball Bearings", presented at the 1981 Applied Modeling and Simulation Conference, September 7-11, Lyon, France, 1981.
- Gupta, P.K., "Simulation of Low-Frequency Components in the Dynamic Response of a Ball Bearing", Advanced in Computer Aided Design, Proc. 1982 ASLE/ASME Lubrication Conference, Washington DC, 1982.
- Dill, J.F. and Gupta, P.K., "Ball Bearing Response to an Unbalance Load", Paper 4fAlAA-83-1129, presented at the AIAA/SAE/ASME 19th Joint Propulsion Conference, June 27-29, 1983, Seattle, Washington.
- Gupta, P.K., Dill, J.F. and Bandow, H.E., "Parametric Evaluation of a Solid-Lubricated Ball Bearing", ASLE Trans, vol 28, pp 31-39, 1985.
- Gupta, P.K., Dill, J.F. and Bandow, H.E., "Dynamics of Rolling Element Bearings: Experimental Validation of the DREB and RAPIDREB Computer Programs", J. of Tribology, ASME Trans, vol 107, pp 132- 137, 1985.
- Bandow, H.E., Gray, S. and Gupta, P.K., "Performance Simulation of a Solid Lubricated Ball Bearing" , American Society of Lubrication Engineers, ASLE Paper #85-AM-4E-3, presented at 40th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 6-9, 1985.
- Gupta, P.K. and Forster, N.H., "Modeling of Wear in a Solid-Lubricated Ball Bearing", ASLE Trans, vol 30, pp 55-62, 1987.
- Gupta, P.K., Dill, J.F., Artuso, J.W. and Forster, N.H., "Ball Bearing Response to Cage Unbalance", J. of Tribology, ASME Trans, vol 108, pp 462-467, 1986.
- Gupta, P.K., "Frictional Instabilities in Ball Bearing", ASLE Tribology Trans, vol 31, 4f2, pp 258-268, 1988.
- Gupta, P.K., "Race Curvature Variation and Noise in Ball Bearings", Proc 1987 Conference on Bearing Noise, Orlando, Florida, Sponsored by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, 1987.
- Gupta, P.K., "Land Centrality and Skew in Cylindrical Roller Bearings", Lubrication Engineering, vol 44, #9, pp 803-809, 1988.
- Gupta, P.K., "On the Geometrical Imperfections in Cylindrical Roller Bearings", ASME J. of Tribology, vol 110, #l, pp 13-18, 1988.
- Gupta, P.K. , "On the Geometrical Imperfections in Ball Bearings", ASME J. of Tribology, vol 110, #l, pp 19-25, 1988.
- Gupta, P.K. , "On the Dynamics of a Tapered Roller Bearing", ASME J.of Tribology, vol 111, #2, pp 278-287, 1989.
- Gupta, P.K., "On the Frictional Instabilities in a Cylindrical Roller Bearing",STLE Tribology Trans, vol 93, pp 395-401, 1990.
- Gupta, P.K. and Tallian, T.E., "Rolling Bearing Life Prediction - Correction for Materials and Operating Conditions, Part III: Implementation in Bearing Dynamics Computer Codes”, ASME J of Tribology, vol 112, pp 23-26, 1990.
- Gupta, P.K., “Cage Unbalance and Wear in Ball Bearing”, Wear, vol 147, pp 93-104, 1991.
- Gupta, P.K., “Cage Unbalance and Wear in Roller Bearing”, Wear, vol 147, pp 105-118, 1991.
- Gupta, P.K., “Dynamic Loads and Cage Wear in High-Speed Rolling Bearings”, Wear, vol 147, pp 119-134, 1991.
- Gupta, P.K., "Modeling of Instabilities induced by Cage Clearances in Ball Bearings", STLE Tribology Trans, vol 34, pp 93-99, 1991.
- Gupta, P.K., "Modeling of Instabilities induced by Cage Clearances in Cylindrical Roller Bearings", STLE Triboloty Trans, vol 34, pp 1-8, 1991.
- Gupta, P.K., “Instrument Bearing Response to External Vibration”, Internal National Rolling Bearing Symposium, Sponsored by C.S.Draper Laboratory, Orlando, Florida, April 9-11, 1991.
- Gupta, P.K., Cheng, H.S. and Forster, N.H., "Visco-Elastic Effects in MIL-L-7808 Type Lubricant, Part I: Analytical Formulation”, STLE Tribology Trans, vol 35, pp 269-274, 1992.
- Forster, N.H, Schrand, J.B., and Gupta, P.K., "Visco-Elastic Effects in MIL-L-7808 Type Lubricant, Part II: Experimental Data Correlations”, STLE Tribology Trans, vol 35, pp 275-280, 1992.
- Gupta, P.K.,"Visco-Elastic Effects in MIL-L-7808 Type Lubricant, Part III: Model Implementation in Bearing Dynamics Computer Code”, STLE Tribology Trans, vol 35, pp 724-730, 1992.
- Gupta, P.K., “Computer Graphics Animation Models for Rolling Bearing Dynamics”, RD-CON ’93, Rotating Machinery Conference & Exposition, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 10-12 November 1993.
- Gupta, P.K., “Animated Computer Graphics Modeling of Rolling Bearing Dynamics”, Presented at the STLE 1993 Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada, 17-20 May 1993.
- Gupta, P.K., ”Computer Graphics Modeling of Rolling Bearing Dynamics”, Presented at the 1994 STLE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May1-5, 1994.
- Sharma, S.K., Schreiber, B., Gupta, P.K., “On the Traction Behavior of Perfluoropolyalkylether Fluids”, STLE Tribology Trans, vol 40, #2, pp 273-278 1997.
- Gupta, P.K., “Animated Graphics of Rolling Elements”, Presented at the 1995 STLE Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 14-19, 1995.
- Sharma, S.K., Schreiber, B., Gupta, P.K., “On the Traction Behavior of Some Aerospace Fluids”, STLE Tribology Trans,
- Gupta, P.K., “Animated Graphics Of Rolling Elements”, AIAA Paper #AIAA 97-0230, Presented at 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 6-10, 1997.
- Gupta, P.K., “Graphics Visualization of Motions in Rolling Bearings”, International Rolling Element Bearing Symposium, Sponsored by C.S.Draper Laboratory, Orlando, Florida, April 28-30, 1997.
- Gupta, P.K., “Traction Coefficients for Some Solid Lubricants for Rolling Bearing Dynamics Modeling”, STLE Trans, vol 43, pp 647-652, 2000.
- Gupta, P.K., “On a Multi-Process Wear Model”, STLE Lubrication Engineering, vol 57, #4, pp 19-24, April 2001.
- Gupta, P.K., “On A Kinematic Hypothesis for Angular Contact Ball Bearings”, ASTM Symposium on Rolling Element Bearings, Sponsored by ASTM Committee F34 on Rolling Element Bearings, Orlando, Florida, April 22-24, 2002.
- Gupta, P.K., “Current Status of and Future Innovations in Rolling Bearing Modeling”, STLE Tribology Transactions, vol 54 (3), 2011, pp 394-403.
- Gupta, P.K., Oswald, F.B., Zaretsky, E.V., “Comparison of Models for Rolling Bearing Dynamic Capacity and Life”, 2015, STLE Tribology Transactions, 58, 1039-1053.
- Nicholson, B.D., Givan, G.D., Thompson, K.L, Mason, J., Gupta, P.K. and Trivedi, H.K., "Assesment of Bearing Heat Generation Prediction by the Program ADORE with respect to Experimental Results and SHABERTH Predictions", Proc ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, GT2017-63010.
- Gupta, P.K. and Zaretsky, E.V., "New Stress-Based Fatigue Life Models for Ball and Roller Bearings", 2018, STLE Transactions, 61:2, 304-324.
- Gupta, P.K., “Failure Stress Modification in Fatigue Life Models for Rolling Bearings”, Proc I Mech E, 233(9), 1327-1344, 2019.
- Gupta, P.K. and Zaretsky, E.V., “Life Model Enhancement for Hybrid Ball Bearings”, STLE Tribology Transactions, 62(6), 1129-1141, 2019.
- Gupta, P.K., Taketa, J.I and Price, C.M., “Thermal Interactions in Rolling Bearings”, Proc I Mech E, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 234(8), 1233-1253, 2020.
- Gupta, P.K., “Minimum Energy Hypothesis in Quasi-Static Equilibrium Solutions for Angular Contact Ball Bearings”, STLE Tribology Transactions, 63(6), 1-051-1066, 2020.
- Gupta, P.K. and Gibson, H.G., “Real-Time Dynamics Modeling of Cryogenic Ball Bearings with Thermal Coupling”, ASME Journal of Tribology, 143(3) / 031201-1 to 031201-13, March 2021.